As we wandered around we recalled that early in the Clinton Administration that Bill would often go out for an early morning run on the Mall. Apparently the routine often included the “run-up” window for takeout at McDonald’s. We were pleased to have no sightings of the current administration.

Cherry Blossom Festival, near the public services, Washington, DC
It was sure crowded at the Cherry Blossom Festival – but, nowhere more so than in the line for the port-a-johns. The line was so long that it was not immediately obvious from a couple hundred yards back that the blocked sidewalk was actually the waiting line. A “queue” as the British say.

Burst of color at the IRS, Washington, DC
The tulips were also in full bloom; we spotted these beauties in front of the IRS building. The façade of the building has a wonderful quote etched prominently in the stone, it says
“Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes