Monday, May 29, 2017

More movies, and guatemala city

In Jimo, read HHH's interviews

On the plane back to Guatemala city
watched: Crosscurrent (Chang Jiang Tu)

In airbnb
also watched

A summer at Grandpa's  HHH
Maurice (1987) James Ivory
My last round (2011)- no english/chiness subtitle
Taekwondo (2016) only watched first 30 minutes then randomly picked a few
Esteros (2016) Papu Curotto

Now reading
Pasolini Requiem (biography)

In Guate,
Having problem with jetlag - strange
Neck pain
sore throat

Sunday, May 07, 2017

More movies

in china now for my dad's 80 year birthday

watched a few films on the airplane:
1. silence by martin scorcesse 2016
2. Harmonium by Koji Fukada 2016
3. song of the phoenix by Wu Tianming 2013

Monday, May 01, 2017

More movies

BAL by Semih Kapolanoglu 2010

Suzaku by Naomi Kawase 1997

Voyage of the red balloon by Hou Hsiao Hsian 2007

Blue is warmest color & tropical malady